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Net Social Sentiment

What Is Net Social Sentiment?

A short-term signal that ranks stocks based on social media engagement data. It indicates how positively or negatively users of social media view a company, stock, or ETF.

Learn more about social media sentiment analysis here.

How to use Net Social Sentiment?

Net Social Sentiment ranges from 0 to 100 and can be examined for a certain stock or an aggregation of stocks such as ETFs. Our covered ETFs link.

A high Net Social Sentiment (80+) means there is positive social media chatter.

A low Net Social Sentiment (20 or less ) typically means there is negative social media chatter.

Note that the public tends to be fickle. Those on social media tend to be more so. This can be observed in the volatility of this score and sometimes leads to significant price swings. Other times, stock prices remain unaffected or even prosper despite negative social sentiment. This was seen with META in 2023.

Combining high Net Social Sentiment with high Upside Breakout is a good way to access stocks with the potential to run up in the short term but are risk managed long-term. But be cautious. Social sentiment may lag behind price movement. Even when used with long-term signals, it is still a short-term signal and can move quickly, indicating large gains or losses to come. If you plan to use it, be sure to check it often. 

Update Frequency and Usage for Net Social Sentiment

Net Social Sentiment updates every 30-60 minutes. You can generally count on it to include timely information to trade on. But be careful. Sometimes the stock is done climbing by the time the social sentiment swings in a highly positive direction or is done falling by the time it swings negative, and your competition, robots, will be much better at capitalizing on this information than you.