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Prospero.Ai App

See our custom stock picks, signal-driven stock exploration, advanced portfolio monitoring, and an educational guide for mastering market signals.

Proprietary Stock Picks

Stock picks from AI-powered algorithm. Gain access to actionable insights on trends. Advanced stock and market sentiment analysis.

Browse Stocks by Signals

Identify long and short-term winners. Get hedge fund-level data for your stocks. Understand the potential for short-term and long-term moves.

Upside Breakout
Net Options Sentiment
Downside Breakout
Net Social Sentiment

Track Your Portfolio

Add your portfolio to the Watchlist to stay informed about the movements and trends that impact your portfolio.

Daily Stock Screeners

Discover opportunities effortlessly with a daily screener that shows how the day's most important forces are moving the market.

Comprehensive Learning Guide

Our In-App Learning Guide will enhance your investment knowledge and acumen to better use our signals and make smarter decisions.

How our ratings work.
Upside Breakout
Downside Breakout

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